Use "dorsal vertebrae|dorsal vertebra" in a sentence

1. Fish vertebra, also known as codfish vertebra, describes the Biconcave appearance of vertebrae (especially lumbar vertebrae)

2. The type specimen (IVPP V 11120) is represented only by a very large anterior dorsal vertebra.

3. In "advanced" (Caenophidian) snakes, the broad belly scales and rows of dorsal scales correspond to the vertebrae, allowing scientists to count the vertebrae without dissection.


5. Key words: primary afferent fibres, sciatic nerve-dorsal root preparation, dorsal root compound action potential, capsaicin, ontogeny.

6. Held under the dorsal guiding feathers?

7. Dorsal thoracic Arachnoid web refers to a thickened band of Arachnoid over the dorsal aspect of the cord

8. The dorsal arm plates are triangular to fan shaped; the first 2-3 dorsal arm plates may be contiguous.

9. Oh, That's a nice dorsal vein.

10. Of the nine neural spines whose heights are given, the longest ("i," associated with a dorsal vertebra) was 1.65 meters (5.4 ft) in length.

11. Those dorsal spines are laden with venom.

12. The dorsal arm plates are triangular and separated.

13. In tetrapods, Cervical vertebrae (singular: vertebra) are the vertebrae of the neck, immediately below the skull.Truncal vertebrae (divided into thoracic and lumbar vertebrae in mammals) lie caudal (toward the tail) of Cervical vertebrae

14. The dorsal Blastopore produces dorsal mesoderm and is converted into the chordate neural hinge, which causes the formation of the tail tip

15. Blennies are small, elongated fish with continuous dorsal fins

16. Archerfish or spinnerfish bodies are deep and laterally compressed, with the dorsal fin, and the profile a straight line from dorsal fin to mouth

17. The dorsal arm plates are fan shaped and separated.

18. The dorsal arm plates are triangular and nearly contiguous.

19. Gimsa and colleagues (2015) suggest that the dorsal sail of Spinosaurus was analogous to the dorsal fins of sailfish and served a hydrodynamic purpose.

20. The dorsal arm plates are roundly hexagonal and contiguous proximally.

21. The dorsal carpal branch (ramus carpeus dorsalis; posterior radial carpal artery) is a small vessel which arises beneath the Extensor tendons of the thumb; crossing the carpus transversely toward the medial border of the hand, it Anastomoses with the dorsal carpal branch of the ulnar and with the volar and dorsal interosseous arteries to form a dorsal carpal network.

22. Architectonicid specimen in lateral (H), dorsal (I), and ventral (J) views

23. The dorsal fins are located very far back on the body.

24. The dorsal arm plates are wider than long, rectangular and contiguous.

25. The dorsal arm plates are bell shaped, the proximal ones contiguous.

26. Figure 5: Movement at the lip of the Blastopore (dorsal view)

27. A year later she had a normal dorsal spine x ray.

28. H. wyckii bears a resemblance to H. wyckioides, however H. wyckioides lacks serrations on the dorsal fin spine, has a shorter dorsal fin base, and shorter maxillary barbels.

29. The Brachiocephalic arteries arise from the dorsal aspect of the transverse arch

30. Hypoparian or marginal – In some trilobites, dorsal sutures may be secondarily lost.

31. 3 The caudal, dorsal and pectoral fins are marked with darker stripes.

32. Six centimeter mass in his dorsal midbrain, extending into the temporal lobe.

33. This procedure closes the dorsal pelvic ring by joining the two dorsal iliac crests (fixed-angle screws inserted in the posterior superior iliac spine) and additionally anchors in a lumbar pedicle.

34. The dorsal and flank hair is carefully removed with small animal clippers.

35. It consists of two lateral lobes and a single small dorsal lobe.

36. And therefore a dorsal Angulation would have the apex angle point dorsally.

37. 25 Results 363 lateral films of thoracolumbar vertebra conjunctions and sacrococcygeal vertebrae were collected from 363 patients.

38. The Cephalic vein also arises from the dorsal venous network of the hand

39. Schnauzer Comedo syndrome is characterized clinically by dorsal follicular Comedones in miniature schnauzers.

40. The dorsal arm plates are swollen, fan shaped and separated from one another.

41. Bluefish have two dorsal fins, with the second far larger than the first

42. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone, secretin, and pancreozymin (cholecystokinin) also depolarized dorsal root terminals and motoneurons.

43. Thalli are linear and prostrate, with smooth margins and a distinct dorsal sulcus.

44. The dorsal arm plates are fan shaped to rounded triangular and contiguous proximally.

45. Mented keratoses ,Actinical damaged skin of the dorsal hands and forearms and acne vulgaris

46. When young, the dorsal color is light pink, which becomes lead-blue when adult.

47. The dorsal arm plates are fan shaped with an acute proximal angle and separated.

48. Comminution of the dorsal metaphysis is a relatively common feature of distal radius fractures

49. Trout-perches (Percopsidae) 1. adipose fin; 2. spines leading to dorsal and anal fins

50. Are there any tremors of dorsal or pectorals that could signify irritation from parasites?

51. Young specimens of this species have an orange-red coloration on the dorsal surface.

52. Dorsal incision over the metatarsophalangeal joint and transverse tenotomy of the extensor digitorum brevis.

53. The arms are covered with skin which obscures the dorsal side of the arm.

54. 20 In addition, it has some yellow on the soft dorsal and caudal fins.

55. The HRP filled the axons' terminal Arborizations in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (l.g.n.)

56. The Balistid fish usually swim by undulating movements of the second dorsal and anal fin

57. In an early gastrula, mesoderm (red) involution occurs at the dorsal lip of the Blastopore

58. Could you explain a little more about the difference between dorsal Angulation and volar apex

59. ‘Antheridia formed on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the wing, while Archegonia formed on …

60. Dorsal papillae, not previously described, are small, clear or white projections on the entire surface.

61. It has three separate dorsal fins, and the catfish-like whiskers on its lower jaw.

62. The Articular processes or zygapophyses (Greek ζυγον = "yoke" (because it links two vertebrae) + απο = "away" + φυσις = "process") of a vertebra are projections of the vertebra that serve the purpose of fitting with an adjacent vertebra

63. The Backswimmer's dorsal side is convex and V-shaped, like the keel of a boat

64. The Blastopore is guided by anterior margin called dorsal lip and backward projecting lateral lip

65. Unlike the Brindled Madtom, Noturus miurus, the dorsal and adipose fins have pale distal margins.

66. De-Afferentation and the developing nervous system 11 dorsal funiculi of the cord in that region

67. Yellowfin tunas are easily recognised by the sickle-shape of their anal and second dorsal fins.

68. The Northern Madtom has an overall colour pattern that is mottled with three irregular dark saddles on the back located at the front of the dorsal fin, behind the dorsal fin and at the adipose fin.

69. Studies of bone abnormalities in skeletons from ancient Syria have led paleontologists to conclude that operating similar querns caused young women repetitive stress injuries —notched kneecaps, damage to the last dorsal vertebra, and severe osteoarthritis in the big toe.

70. Autotomy from peripheral nerve lesions is a different phenomenon from that seen after dorsal root section

71. The Brachiopod is enclosed by two valves, the dorsal and ventral, that have a hinge axis

72. Archerfishes are elongated, with relatively deep bodies that are almost flat from the dorsal fin forward

73. The Bigeye Ocean Perch has a large mouth, large eyes and a long-based dorsal fin

74. Not vertically expanded; Bracteoles protruding from cone surface, never greatly thickened and always lacking a dorsal

75. The anterior cingulate cortex can be divided anatomically based on cognitive (dorsal), and emotional (ventral) components.

76. 2 The caudal fin is yellow-brown, and the dorsal spine and long snout are orange.

77. Goniurosaurus araneus is distinguished from other species of the same genus by its elongated dorsal scales.

78. They have two dorsal fins, placed close together on the back, and a relatively short tail.

79. They are silvery-colored fish that have a single dorsal fin, which is soft, without spines.

80. As adjectives the difference between dorsal and Abaxial is that dorsal is {{contextanatomylang=en}} with respect to, or concerning the side in which the backbone is located, or the analogous side of an invertebrate while Abaxial is {{contextbotanylang=en}} on the side that is away from the axis or central line, usually on the underside; dorsal {{defdatemid 19 th century}} {{reference-book